February 26, 2020: Message from the ISOTOPICS Coordinator – Dr. Christophe DUGAVE (CEA) The ISOTOPICS project ended with year 2019 after four years of intensive work including not only experimental but also teaching, learning, active dissemination of results and fruitful exchanges inside and outside the consortium. These four years of implementation followed two years of preparation. It is now time to overview the project output. Everyone familiar with project writing knows that it is tempting, easy and therefore ordinary to overestimate goals and impact of the anticipated results in order to secure the grant. When highlighting the potential of late or even last-stage labeling, efficient labeling of non-activated chemical positions (especially C-H moieties) an chemically benign engineering of complex molecules, I was wondering if I did not oversold the project, even though the consortium gathered prestigious research institutions with first-class partners. I must finally admit that all results produced by ISOTOPICS researchers reached the expected goals in most cases beyond my expectations. If hydrogen isotope exchange was already documented, ISOTOPICS considerably enlarged this research field and filled the chemist's toolbox with highly specific and selective catalysts, the utility of which was demonstrated on a variety of drugs and drug-like molecules. Translating this concept to carbon isotopes was not obvious since breaking C-C bonds specifically was considerably different from classical C-H activation. This was done however. The concept developed on model molecules was even applied to existing drugs, thus demonstrating that this new paradigm was not only a chemical curiosity but was also an extremely attractive and promising concept. "CO2" exchange was even the basis for the building of both granted ERC-advanced project (FASTLabEx) and an ongoing FET-OPEN project (FLIX). An innovative late-stage labeling of drugs through "CO-NH" bond building was also done with the particular concern of making it totally compatible with the requirements and limitations of 11C and 14C labeling of chemically complex and structurally fragile molecules. This was realized by adapting cutting-edge chemistry to the particular environment of radiolabeling of drugs. The labeling of non-activated C-H positions with fluorine and polyfluorinated chemical groups (CHF2 and CF3) was also successfully implemented and provided considerable advances in 18F PET chemistry which is also a very active research field nowadays. The stereoselective fluorination concept undoubtedly opens new perspectives for producing stereochemically complex molecules. It also offers new solutions for labeling fluorine-containing drugs with 18F without altering their structure, even when fluorine is located on a position that is notably difficult. The modification of drugs and biomolecules with pending difluoro- and trifluoromethyl groups efficiently attached on C-H motifs is also a noticeable progress with a very broad domain of applications. All this work was awarded by an impressive number of 29 publications (February 2020), including famous articles in high impact factor journals, thus demonstrating the scientific radiance of ISOTOPICS with an average IF of 11. But let's not forget a crucial aspect, far beyond the paper-producing question which validates the scientific value of the work but is not an end in itself. All the research was implemented with the permanent concern of easy applicability, transferability to the particular drug discovery and development (DDD) environment, and its capacity to be translated to the specific needs of in vivo assays and finally clinical trials. The very active support of the three active industrial beneficiaries testifies this. I have no doubt that ISOTOPICS findings and methods will be applied for helping the pharmaceutical industry to overcome some technical obstacles reducing their research efficiency and considerably increasing drug attrition. In this respect, ISOTOPICS is really expected to have significant human, industrial and societal impacts. ISOTOPICS not only produced first-class research but also trained a new generation of young researchers specialized in (radio)labeling chemistry but also familiar of medicinal chemistry and aware of the particular DDD world. Most of them have been also immersed in the industrial environment through intersectorial secondments. This was an opportunity for them to discovering new countries, new routes in addressing scientific issues and new ways of life. The ISOTOPICS training also provided the 15 students not only with scientific courses and workshops but also with complementary skills, which should be decisive for exploiting and promoting their results. In particular, everyone inside the consortium has noticed the students progresses in terms of presentation and capacity to discuss about their results, but also the emergence of a self-criticism spirit which is essential in science. As all of Consortium members, they also benefited from the precious input of the advisory board, the five members of which regularly demonstrated their implication and trustworthiness. I also would like to sincerely and warmly thank the two Project Managers who daily helped me follow up the project, organized its proper implementation and regularly solved problems. Nothing was possible without them. The ISOTOPICS project is now over but is not an end. On the contrary, project completion, marked by several thesis defenses, is now the beginning a scientific life as independent researcher for each of the 15 students. On behalf of the whole consortium, I would like to wish them good luck for finding rewarding jobs and positions, and many successes in their starting professional lives. |
January 17, 2020: ISOTOPICS PhD defence
Mégane Valero (ESR15-SAN) defended her PhD entitled:" Iridium-Catalyzed CH-Functionalization: Development and Applications of Innovative Strategies for Hydrogen Isotope Exchange on Small Molecules and Biotherapeutic Drugs for Drug Discovery" on Friday 17.01.20!! Congratulations Mégane! All the best for the Future! |
January 02, 2020: Wishes
December 13, 2019: ISOTOPICS PhD defence
Laura Trump (ESR13-UCB) defended her PhD entitled:"Late stage 18F-difluoromethylation of N-heteroaromatics" on Friday 13.12.19!! Congratulations Laura! All the best for the Future! |
December 10, 2019: ISOTOPICS PI awarded!
Great News to share! Congratulations Davide (PI-CEA) for being awarded an ERC consolidator grant! WOW! Wish you all the best for the future! More information here. |
December 6, 2019: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
Anna Vicini (ESR6-UCB) presented her results at the 6th Winter Process Chemistry Conference December 2019, in Birmingham (UK). Her oral communication was entitled: "Hydrogen Bonding Phase-Transfer Catalysis (HB-PTC) with Alkali Metal Fluorides: Enantioselective Synthesis of β-Fluoroamines". She received during these event a Science Update Young Chemist Award! Congratulation Anna! More information here. |
December 4, 2019: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
Francesco Ibba (ESR5-UOXF) presented his results at the 26th Annual Review Meeting, Catalysis and Enabling Technologies for Synthesis, December 2019, London (UK). His poster was entitled: "Hydrogen Bonding Phase-Transfer Catalysis: Discovery and Mechanistics Insights". |
November, 2019: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
Laura Trump (ESR13-UCB) presented her results at the 26th Young chemists in industry, November 2019, Slough (United Kingdom). Her oral communication was entitled: "Late stage C-H 18F-difluoromethylation of N-heteroaromatics for PET imaging". |
21rst November-22nd November 2019: Final ISOTOPICS Meeting
| The final ISOTOPICS meeting was organised by CNRS-INSA beneficiary in Toulouse (France) in November 2019. More information about this event here. |
October 31, 2019: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
Mateusz Imiolek (ESR7-UOXF) presented his results at Pfizer Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology Symposium, October, 2019, Oxford (UK). His poster was entitled: "Site-Selective Protein C-Formylation via Sequential Difluoromethylation-Hydrolysis". |
October 29, 2019: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
Donia Bouzouita (ESR11-CNRS) has published an article in Chemical Reviews journal entitled: 'σ-H–H, σ-C–H, and σ-Si–H Bond Activation Catalyzed by Metal Nanoparticles' This article review the surface chemistry of nanoparticles and catalytic reactions occurring in the liquid phase, catalyzed by either colloidal or supported metal NPs. Nanoparticles prepared in solution, stabilized and tuned by polymers, ligands, and supports, were consider only. The question addressed concerns the differences and similarities between molecular complexes and metal NPs in their reactivity toward σ-bond activation and functionalization. You can have access to this article here. |
October, 2019: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
Davide Audisio (PI-CEA) and Grégory Pieters (PI-CEA) will present their research activities at the 31stNorth American Chapter Meeting of the International Iisotope Ssociety (IIS meeting US) this Friday, October 25, 2019, in Morristown (USA). Davide's oral communication is entitled: "Late-stage carbon isotope labeling using CO2 ". Grégory's one is entitled:" Hydrogen isotope exchanges catalysed by Ru nano catalysts". They visited Rhys Salter at the Isotope Chemistry and Biotransformation lab, Janssen R&D on Tursday October 22, and Wednesday, October 23, they met Sumei Ren at the Labeling laboratory, Merk. |
October 18, 2019: ISOTOPICS PhD defence
Antonio Del Vecchio (ESR3-CEA) defended his PhD entitled:" New Methodologies for the Late Stage Labeling of Drug Candidates" on Friday 18.10.19!! Congratulations Antonio! All the best for the Future! |
October 14, 2019: ISOTOPICS PhD defence
Donia Bouzouita (ESR11-CNRS) defended her PhD entitled:" Isotopic labeling catalyzed by metallic nanoparticles" on Monday 14.10.19!! Congratulations Donia! All the best for the Future! |
September 27, 2019: ISOTOPICS PhD defence
Alberto Palazzolo (ESR2-CEA) defended his PhD entitled: "Development of new methods for the hydrogen isotope exchange catalyzed by metallic nanoparticles" on Friday 27.09.19!! Congratulations Alberto! All the best for the Future!
September 23, 2019: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
Laura Trump (ESR13-UCB) presented her results at the UCB PhD day, September 2019, London (United Kingdom). Her oral communication was entitled:"Late stage C-H 18F-difluoromethylation of N-heteroaromatics for PET imaging". |
September 16, 2019: ISOTOPICS PhD defence
Viktor Pfeifer (ESR1-CEA) defended his PhD entitled: "Tritium and Deuterium Labelling of Bioactive Molecules Catalyzed by Metallic Nanoparticles" on Monday 16.09.19!! Congratulations Viktor! All the best for the Future!
September 13, 2019: ISOTOPICS PhD defence
First ISOTOPICS defence! Gianluca Destro (ESR4-CEA) defended his PhD entitled:" CO2 chemistry for the synthesis of radio-labelled compounds" on Friday 13.09.19!! Congratulations Gianluca! All the best for the Future!
September 4, 2019: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
Anna Chiara Vicini (ESR6-UOXF) presented her results at the 3rd international Symposium on Synthesis and Catalysis (ISySyCat 2019), in Evora (Portugal). Her oral communication was entitled:" Hydrogen Bonding Phase-Transfer Catalysis (HB-PTC) with Alkali Metal Fluorides: Enantioselective Synthesis of β-Fluoroamines". She won a prize as one of the best two oral communications. Congratulations Anna! From left to right: Anna Vicini, Prof. Anthony Burke, conference chairman, and Dr. Dörthe Mellmann, associated editor for Wiley. |
August 26, 2019: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
Laura Trump (ESR13-UCB) presented her results at the 19th European Symposium on Fluorine chemistry, in Warsaw (Poland). Her oral communication was entitled:" Late stage C-H 18F-difluoromethylation of N-heteroaromatics for PET imaging". |
August 7, 2019: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
Donia Bouzouita (ESR11-CNRS) has published an article in Nanoscale journal entitled: 'Tuning the Catalytic Activity and Selectivity of Water-Soluble Bimetallic RuPt Nanoparticles by Modifying their Surface Metal Distribution' This article describes the preparation of Bimetalllic ruthenium-platinum nanoparticles (RuPt NPs) of different surface distributions and stabilized by a sulfonated N-heterocyclic carbene ligand. The different bimetallic RuPt NPs, as well as their monometallic equivalents (Pt and Ru NPs), were used in isotopic H/D exchange through C–H activation on L-lysine. Interestingly, the activity and selectivity of the direct C–H deuteration were dependent upon the NP surface composition at the α position but not at the ε one. Chemical shift perturbation experiments revealed that the difference of reactivity at the α position is due to a Pt-carboxylate interaction, which hinders the H/D exchange. You can have access to this article here. |
August 7, 2019: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
Mégane Valero (ESR15-SAN) has published an article in Chemistry Open journal entitled: 'Comparison of Iridium(I) catalysts in Temperature mediated Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Reactions' This article describes a detailed comparison study with six common Iridium (I) catalysts which permitted to understand and optimize the approaches of either high selectivity or maximum deuterium incorporation. This study demonstrated that the temperature window for these studied Iridium (I) catalysts is surprisingly very broad. This principle was further proven in some hydrogen isotope exchange reactions on complex drug molecules. You can have access to this article here. |
July 19, 2019: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
| Laura Trump (ESR13-UCB) and Agostinho Lemos (ESR12-ULG) have published an article in Angewandte Chemie journal entitled: 'Late stage 18F-difluoromethyl labeling of N-heteroaromatics with high molar activity for PET imaging' This article describes a photoredox flow reaction for 18F-difluoromethylation of Nheteroaromatics widely used in medicinal chemistry. This method is operationally simple and affords a straightforward access to radiolabeled N-heteroaromatics with high molar activity suitable for biological in vivo studies and clinical application. You can have access to this article here. |
July 17, 2019: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
July 16, 2019: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
July 9, 2019: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
Antonio Del Vecchio (ESR3-CEA) presented his results at IUPAC2019Paris. His oral communication was entitled: Cascade Reactions for the Late Stage Labeling of Drug Candidates. Antonio during his oral communication, in Palais des Congrès de Paris |
July 6, 2019: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
| Mégane Valero (ESR15-SAN) has published a review article in Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals: 'Highlights of aliphatic C (sp3)‐H Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Reactions'. This review summarizes the highlights of aliphatic C (sp3)‐H carbon hydrogen isotope exchange (HIE) methods developed in the last ten years. In particular, new highly selective and reactive protocols in the areas of nanoparticle and metal catalyzed homogeneous catalysis are reported. You can have access to this article here. |
June 13, 2019: ISOTOPICS communication action
| Karen Hinsinger (CEA) and Gregory Pïeters (PI-CEA) have published an article in Angewandte Chemie Highlight journal entitled: 'The Emergence of Carbon Isotope Exchange'. This article highlights significant progress in C−C bond activation with transition metals, which has recently enabled the development of several carbon isotope exchange reactions. You can have access to this article here |
June 13, 2019: ESR1 and ESR3
Viktor Pfeifer (ESR1-CEA) and Antonio Del Vecchio (ESR3-CEA) participated at the 3rd PhD Students Days (JDD) of Joliot Institut, in Neurospin, CEA Paris-Saclay (France) from 13-14 June 2019. They were both chairman for one session. More information here |
June 2019: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
Alberto during his oral communication | Alberto Palazzolo (ESR2-CEA) presented his results at t the 5th Doctoral School 2MIB day (University of Paris-Saclay) at Evry Val d'Essonne University in Evry (France) on June 11 2019. Alberto had an oral presentation entitled: 'Development of novel techniques for the deuterium and tritium labelling of nucleosides, nucleotides and oligonucleotides '. |
March – Mai 2019: ESRs on secondment – From ULG to UCB
Mai 2019: ESRs on secondment – From UCB to ULG
Mai 2019: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
Mélodie Ferrat (ESR9-KI), Kaisa Horkka (ESR10-KI), Agostinho Lemos (ESR12-ULG), Laura Trump (ESR13-UCB) and Malvika Sardana (ESR14-AZ) presented their results at the 23rd International Symposium of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (ISRS) in Beijing 2019 (China). Mélodie had an oral presentation entitled: 'In-loop carbonylation - a novel and simplified method for carbon-11 labeling of drugs and radioligands'; Kaisa had an oral presentation entitled: 'Rapid and efficient BEMP-mediated synthesis of 11C-labelled benzimidazolones using [11C]carbon dioxide'; Agostinho got a poster entitled: 'Automated radiosynthesis of 2-[18F]BTSO2CF2H in a GE FASTLab synthesizer'; Laura presented a poster and a rapid fire poster session, oral communication (1 minute) entitled: 'Late stage 18F-difluoromethylation via a flow photoredox reaction to N-heteroaromatics'; Malvika got a poster too entitled: 'Radiosynthesdis of [18F] Crizotinib, a Potential Radiotracer for PET Imaging of the P-glycoprotein Transport Function at the Blood Brain Barrier'. From the left to the right: Malvika in front of her poster; Laura, Malvika, Mélodie and Agostinho at the ISRS Gala dinner and Agostinho in front of his poster. Laura at the fire poster presentation, Kaisa and Mélodie during their oral communications |
Mai 2019: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
Alberto Palazzolo (ESR2-CEA) and Gianluca Destro (ESR4-CEA) presented their results at the 56th SECO seminar in La Clusaz. Alberto had an oral presentation entitled: "Development of novel techniques for the deuterium and tritium labelling of nucleosides, nucleotides and oligonucleotides". Gianluca's one was entitled: "Dynamic Carbon Isotope Exchange of Pharmaceuticals with Labeled CO2". SECO 56 participants, Gianluca Destro and Alberto Palazzolo during their oral communications. |
Mai 2019: ESR public engagement
Anna Chiara Vicini (ESR6 – UOXF) in Pint of Science commity | Anna Chiara Vicini (ESR6 – UOXF) was a Tech me Out Event Manager of Pint of Science 2019, Oxford. She had a logistic role in the organization of the event from finding a good venue to contacting the speakers. More information here. |
Mai 2019: ESR6 and ESR7
Anna Chiara Vicini (ESR6-UOXF) presenting at AstraZeneca Symposium. | Anna Chiara Vicini (ESR6-UOXF) and Mateusz Imiolek (ESR7-UOXF) presented their results at the AstraZeneca symposium 2019 (Oxford, UK). Anna had an oral presentation entitled: "Hydrogen Bonding Phase-Transfer Catalysis with Potassium Fluoride: Enantioselective Synthesis of beta-Fluoroamines" Mateusz's one was entitled: "Radical fluoroalkylations for selective modification of native residues in proteins". Anna Chiara Vicini (ESR6-UOXF) also presented a poster at the 2nd Chem East Organic Symposium in Norwich (22 May) entitled: "Hydrogen Bonding Phase-Transfer Catalysis with Potassium Fluoride: Enantioselective Synthesis of beta-Fluoroamines" |
May 2019- ISOTOPICS News; Management Relay
| Congratulation to Dr. Karen Hinsinger for her new permanent position at CEA Saclay. Welcome to Dr. Emilie Nehlig as new ISOTOPICS Project Manager. |
April 2019: ESR5 and ESR6
Anna Chiara Vicini (ESR6-UOXF) presenting in Southampton. | Anna Chiara Vicini (ESR6-UOXF) and Francesco Ibba (ESR5-UOXF) presented their results at the 18th RSC Fluorine Subject Group Postgraduate Meeting (Southampton, UK; 11th-12th April 2019). Anna had an oral presentation entitled: "Hydrogen Bonding Phase-transfer Catalysis: enantioselective Synthesis of β-Fluoroamines". Francesco's one was entitled: "Mechanistic Insights on Hydrogen Bonding Phase-Transfer Catalysis: an NMR investigation". |
March-April 2019: ESR11
Donia Bouzouita (ESR11 – CNRS) presented her results at the ACS Spring 2019 National Meeting in Orlando. She had two orals communications: -Surprising differences of alkane C-H activation catalysed by ruthenium nanoparticles (March 31, 2019). -Tuning the catalytic activity/selectivity of water-soluble bimetallic RuPt by modifying their surface metal distribution (April 04, 2019). |
March 2019-ESR public engagement
Anna Chiara Vicini (ESR6 – UOXF) making science experiments ATOM | Anna Chiara Vicini (ESR6 – UOXF) was a Chemistry demonstrator for "ATOM Science and Festival" as part of OxHOS events (Oxford hands on Science). She was developing free science activities in the open air for all the family. |
14th March- 15th March 2019: 5th ISOTOPICS Meeting
| The 5th ISOTOPICS Meeting was held at Merton College in TS Eliot Theatre (Oxford, UK) and organised by University of Oxford beneficiary in March 2019. More information about this event here. |
11th March- 13th March 2019: 5th ISOTOPICS Training
| The 5th ISOTOPICS Training was organised at the Chemistry Teaching Laboratory (South Parks Road) in Oxford (UK) in March 2019. More information about this event here. |
February 2019 - ISOTOPICS Newsletter, Issue 3
| The third issue of ISOTOPICS Newsletters is now available. All ISOTOPICS ESRs have participated to its publication. You can have access to this issue here. |
January - February 2019: ESRs on secondment – From CEA to AZ
| Gianluca Destro (ESR4 - CEA) was on secondment for 2 months at AZ. He was welcomed by Malvika Sardana (ESR14 – AZ) within Chad Elmore group in AZ-Göteborg (Sweden). |
January - February 2019: ESRs on secondment – From CEA to SANOFI
| Viktor Pfeifer (ESR1 - CEA) and Antonio Del Vecchio (ESR3 – CEA) were on secondment for 2 months at SANOFI Germany. They joined Volker Derdau group and Mégane Valero (ESR15 – SAN) to carry out isotopic labeling reactions. Viktor Pfeifer (ESR1 - CEA) and Mégane Valero (ESR15 – SAN), Antonio Del Vecchio (ESR3 – CEA) in lab. |
January 2019: ESRs on secondment – From CEA to CNRS
| Alberto Palazzolo (ESR2 - CEA) did a 2-week secondment at CNRS-INSA Toulouse laboratory, within Prof. B. Chaudret group, to synthesise new nanoparticles. |
December 2018: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
Congratulations to Mégane Valero (ESR15- Sanofi) for her awarded publication by Sanofi Science awards 2018 : "Highly Selective Directed Iridium‐Catalyzed Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Reactions of Aliphatic Amides", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57(27), 8159-8163. Sanofi German R&D Hub, 3rd Place Winner Publication, Award category: Research |
December 2018: ESRs on secondment – From UCB to ULG
| Laura Trump (ESR13 – UCB) did several secondment periods at ULG in 2018 (overall duration of 2 months). She worked on the translation of her research methodology from Fluorine-19 to Fluorine-18 in collaboration with André Luxen group. |
November 2018: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
| Donia Bouzouita (ESR11 – CNRS) presented her results in a poster during the 1st Stable Carbene Symposium at the University Paul Sabatier (November 30, 2018; Toulouse, France). |
November 2018: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
| Laura Trump (ESR13 – UCB) presented a poster entitled "Development of a flow photoredox reaction for the addition of CHF18F to N-heteroaromatics" at MedChem2018 (November 23, 2018; Namur, Belgium) and at BMIC meet industry event (November 28, 2018; Braine l'Alleud, Belgium). |
November 2018: ESR on secondment – From CEA to KI
| Gianluca Destro (ESR10 – KI) was on secondment at KI for 1 month. He was welcomed by local ESR, Kaisa Horkka (ESR10 – KI), and supervisors Prof. CHrsiter Halldin (KI) and Dr.; Magnus Schou (AZ). He worked on 11C-labeling reactions. Kaisa Horkka (ESR10 – KI) and Gianluca Destro (ESR4 – CEA) in KI lab |
October - November 2018: ESR on secondment – From UOXF to ULG
| Mateusz Imiolek (ESR7 – UOXF) was on secondment at ULG for 2 months. He joined the GIGA Cyclotron Research Centre In Vivo Imaging laboratory of Prof. André Luxen to work on the automated synthesis of a new sulfur-based reagent for the production of 18F-labelled compounds. |
October 2018: ESR on secondment – From KI to CEA
| Mélodie Ferrat (ESR9 – KI) was on secondment at CEA (Audisio group, Carbon-14 team) for 2 months. She worked on the preparation of precursors and reference molecules for later 11C-labelling reactions. Mélodie Ferrat (ESR9 – KI) and Antonio Del Vecchio (ESR3 – CEA) at CEA |
October 2018: ISOTOPICS public engagement
| Chad Elmore (AZ) gave a skype conference to students of MiraCoasta college (San Diego, CA, USA) to popularise drug discovery and development (DDD) and associated jobs in pharmaceutical companies. The talk was highlighted with Chad personal career path, information about radiochemistry uses in DDD and examples of PhD student works funded by H2020-MSCA programs. Thus, Malvika Sardana (ESR14 – AZ) research about "Light Catalyzed Aminocarbonylation of Alkyl Iodides" was mentioned. You can have access to Chad presentation file here. |
October 2018: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
5 ESRs have participated at the 4th PhD Day of Doctoral School ED2MIB (JED2018) on 18 October 2018 at IUT of Orsay (France). Antonio Del Vecchio (ESR3 –CEA) and Gianluca Detro (ESR4 – CEA) presented oral communications. Viktor Pfeifer (ESR1 – CEA), Malvika Sardana (ESR14 – AZ) and Mégane Valero (ESR15 – SAN) presented posters.
Antonio Del Vecchio and Gianluca Destro during their oral communications and Malvika Sardana in front of her poster |
October 2018: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
| Donia Bouzouita (ESR11 – CNRS) presented a poster entitled "Isotopic Labeling Catalyzed by Metallic Nanoparticles for the Evaluation of Drug Candidates" at the 2nd Trans Pyrenean Meeting in Catalysis TrapCat2 (October 18-19, 2018; Tarragona, Spain). |
October 2018: ESR on secondment – From SAN to CEA
Mégane Valero (ESR15 –Sanofi), in the middle of the Tritium team at CEA | Mégane Valero (ESR15 – Sanofi) was on secondment at CEA (Pieters' group, Deuterium/Tritium team) for 2 months. She worked on Hydrogen Isotope Exchange for the labeling of bioactive complex molecules. |
September 2018: ISOTOPICS Training
| The 4th ISOTOPICS Traingin was organised at Karolinska Institutet in September 2018 (Stockholm, Sweden). More information about this event here. |
September 2018: ISOTOPICS Meeting
ISOTOPICS consortium | The 4th ISOTOPICS Meeting was organised by the Karolinska Institutet and the AstraZeneca Beneficiaries on 26th-27th September 2018 in Stockholm (Sweden). More information about this event here. |
September 2018: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
Mégane Valero (ESR15 –Sanofi) with best posters awardees | Mégane Valero (ESR15 – Sanofi) presented her research results in a poster at the NIKAS 2018 conference (19-20 September 2018; Göttingen, Germany). She was awarded in the ACS Catalysis inorganic chemistry best poster section! |
September 2018: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
3 ISOTOPICS ESRs, Alberto Palazzolo (ESR2 – CEA), Antonio Del Vecchio (ESR3 –CEA) and Gianluca Destro (ESR4 – CEA) attended the 22 International Conference on Organic Synthesis 22-ICOS (16-21 September 2018; Florence, Italy). They presented their research results in poster communications. |
July 2018: ESR public engagement
| Donia Bouzouita (ESR11 – CNRS) participated the largest interdisciplinary event in Europe dedicated to science, innovation and society, the Euroscience Open Forum ESOF TOULOUSE 2018 (July 6-8, 2018; Toulouse, France). She discussed and shared expertise and ideas about sciences with large public. |
July 2018: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
| Mégane Valero (ESR15 – Sanofi) presented a poster entitled "C-H functionalization: Highly Selective Directed Iridium-Catalyzed Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Reactions of Aliphatic Amides" during the 16th Belgian Organic Synthesis Symposium BOSS XVI (July 8-13, 2018; Brussels, Belgium). |
June 2018: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
| Francesco Ibba (ESR5 – UOXF) presented a poster of his research results at the Oxford Synthesis Summer Conference 2018 (25-26 June 2018; Oxford, UK). His poster was entitled: 'Asymmetric Nucleophilic Fluorination under Hydrogen Bonding Phase-Transfer Catalysis: Synthetic Approach'. |
June 2018: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
| Mateusz Imiolek (ESR7 – UOXF) attended the Gordon Research Seminar on Bioorganic Chemistry (June 09, 2018 - June 10, 2018) and the Gordon Research Conference on Bioorganic Chemistry (June 10, 2018 - June 15, 2018), both held at the Proctor Academy in Andover (NH United States). He presented a poster entitled: 'Tryptophan selective trifluoromethylation of native residues in proteins'. You can click on the picture to see all the conference participants (Mateusz is in the middle of the last line) and click here to have a full screen version of the presented poster. |
June 2018: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
| Several members of the ISOTOPICS consortium attended the 13th International Symposium on the Synthesis and Applications of Isotopes and Isotopically Labelled Compounds (IIS 2018) held on June 3rd–7th 2018 in Prague (Czech Republic). 6 ISOTOPICS ESRs presented their research projects and results, 1 CEA researcher was invited to give a lecture and the project coordinator presented a poster. More information and pictures here. |
Mai - November 2018: ESR on secondment – From AZ to CEA
| Malvika Sardana (ESR14 - AZ) was on secondment at CEA for 6,5 months. She worked on Carbon-14 labelling at SCBM (Audisio group) and SHFJ (Kunhast group). Malvika Sardana (ESR14 – AZ) with Carbon-14 team in front of CEA Saclay |
Mai 2018: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
| Donia Bouzouita (ESR11 - CNRS/INSA Toulouse) presented her PhD project at the EDSDM Doctoral School days (University of Toulouse, France) with a flash oral communication and a poster. |
April - June 2018: ESRs on secondment – From KI to AZ
| Kaisa Horkka (ESR10 - KI) was on secondment at AZ-Göteborg for 3 months. She worked in Chad Elmore group on the multi-step synthesis of an AZ compound in view to label it later with Carbon-11 at KI. |
April 2018: ESRs on secondment – From UCB to UOXF
| Laura Trump (ESR13 – UCB) was on secondment for about 1 month at UOXF in Veronique Gouverneur Group. She worked on the development of a new methodology to access fluorinated aromatics. |
April 2018: ISOTOPICS communication action
| We have published an article in the OPEN ACCESS GOVERNMENT journal to highlight the expected impact of ISOTOPICS in de-risking drug innovation and to inform about the last research results. You can have access to this article here. |
April 2018: ISOTOPICS dissemination action
Antonio Del Vecchio (ESR3-CEA) gave an oral communication. | 2 of the CEA ESRs, from the team of F. Taran and D. Audisio, have presented their research results at the "Drug Discovery and New Therapeutics" symposium (9-11 April 2018; Paris-Saclay University, France). | Gianluca Destro (ESR4-CEA) presented a poster. |
March 2018: ESRs on secondment – From CEA and CNRS to SANOFI France
| The partner SANOFI France welcomed Donia Bouzouita (ESR11-CNRS) and Alberto Palazzolo (ESR2-CEA) for secondments. The ESRs were supervised by Jorg Blankenstein and Frank Le Strat in the Isotope Chemistry Laboratory. Frank Le Strat, Donia Bouzouita (ESR11-CNRS), Alberto Palazzolo (ESR2-CEA) and Jorg Blankenstein at SANOFI France. |
February 2018 - ISOTOPICS Newsletter, Issue 2
| The second issue of the ISOTOPICS Newsletters is now available. All the ESRs have participated to its publication. You can have access to this issue here. |
January 2018 – ESR public engagement
Anna Chiara Vicini (ESR6 – UOXF) in Pint of science and OxHOS committees | Anna Chiara Vicini (ESR6 – UOXF) was an Atom to Galaxy Event Manager of Pint of Science 2018, Oxford. She had a logistic role in the organization of the event from finding a good venue to contacting the speakers. More information here. Anna was also Chemistry Coordinator for "Marie Curious" OxHOS events (Oxford hands on Science). She was responsible for developing chemistry experiments for primary and secondary school students. More information here. |
January 2018: ESRs on secondment – From CEA to CNRS
Alberto Palazzolo (ESR2-CEA) and Viktor Pfeifer (ESR1-CEA) in CNRS-INSA Toulouse laboratory | Viktor Pfeifer (ESR1-CEA) and Alberto Palazzolo (ESR2-CEA) did another secondment of 1 month at CNRS-INSA Toulouse laboratory (in Prof. B. Chaudret team) to synthesise new nanoparticles. |
November 2017 – Mid-term Review and 3rd ISOTOPICS Meeting in Liège
| The Mid-term Review Meeting was held on Tuesday 28th November 2017 at Liège (Belgium). All the ISOTOPICS consortium, the Project Officer and an external scientific expert attended this event to check our project implementation and progresses. More information here. |
November 2017 – 3rd ISOTOPICS Training in Belgium
| The 3rd ISOTOPICS training was organised by ULG and UCB beneficiaries from Tuesday 28th November to Monday 4th December 2017. This 4,5-day training involved courses, workshops and visit of laboratories and cyclotron plant. More information here. |
October-November 2017: ESR3 on secondment – From CEA to Karolinska Institute
Antonio Del Vecchio (ESR3-CEA) and Kaisa Horkka (ESR10-KI) in KI laboratory (Stockholm, Sweden) | Antonio Del Vecchio (ESR3-CEA, team of F. Taran and D. Audisio) did a 1-month secondment at the Karolinska Institute. He was trained and worked with the team of Prof. C. Halldin (Kaisa Horkka, ESR10) on the 11C-labeling of small-molecule drugs. |
November 2017: ISOTOPICS dissemination action - ESR14
| Malvika Sardana (ESR14-AstraZeneca) has presented a poster during the 26th International Isotope Society - UK Chapter Symposium in Cambridge (UK). More information here |
October 2017: ISOTOPICS dissemination action - ESR1 and ESR2
| 2 of the CEA ESRs, Viktor Pfeifer (ESR1) and
Alberto Palazzolo (ESR2), have presented a poster during the 3rd Doctoral Day
organised by the Doctoral School ED2MIB (Université Paris Saclay) at ENS Paris-Saclay (Cachan, France). More information here |
October 2017: ESR13 on secondment – From UCB to ULG
| Laura Trump (ESR13-UCB) realized a first secondment of 2 weeks at the University of Liège (Belgium). She was welcomed by Dr C. Lemaire and Prof. A. Luxen. She learned how to use the fastlab for the synthesis of a 18F-reagent and used it for the insertion of [18F]CHF2 group on N-heteroaromatics. |
October 2017: ESR15 on secondment – From SANOFI to CNRS
| Mégane Valero (ESR15-SANOFI Germany) did a secondment in the team of Prof. B. Chaudret at CNRS (INSA Toulouse, France). She learned how to synthesise nanoparticles in glovebox. |
September 2017 - ISOTOPICS dissemination action - ESR5 and ESR6 | The 2 ESRs of Prof. V. Gouverneur team (University
of Oxford), Francesco Ibba (ESR5) and Anna Chiara Vicini (ESR6), have presented
a poster during the 17th Annual RSC Fluorine Subject Group Postgraduate Meeting
at Leicester (UK). More information here |
September 2017 - ISOTOPICS dissemination action - ESR15 | In September 2017, Mégane Valero (ESR15-SANOFI
Germany) has presented an oral communication during
the 23rd Workshop of the International Isotope Society – Central European
Division (IIS-CED) at Bad Soden (Germany) (more information here and here ) and
during the Advances in Boronic Organic Chemistry symposium (AdBOC) at the University of
Sheffield (UK) (more information here). |
September 2017 - ISOTOPICS communication action
| The management team has published an article in the IMPACT journal to advertise about the objectives and expected impact of ISOTOPICS. You can have access to this article here. |
July 2017 - ISOTOPICS dissemination action - ESR1, 2, 3 and 4 | The 4 CEA ESRs, Viktor Pfeifer (ESR1), Alberto
Palazzolo (ESR2), Antonio Del Vecchio (ESR3) and Gianluca Destro (ESR4) have presented
a poster during the PhD Students days organised by the Joliot Institute at CEA
(Saclay, France). More information here and here. |
July 2017: ESR11 on secondment – From CNRS to CEA
| Donia Bouzouita (ESR11-CNRS) did a 1-week secondment at CEA (Saclay, France). She worked within the group of Dr. G. Pieters (Laboratory of Deuterium/Tritium labeling) on the deuteration of nicotine with Ruthenium nanoparticles. She could also visit Paris (Louvre Museum) during the weekend. |
April 2017 – 2nd ISOTOPICS Meeting in Frankfurt
| The 2nd ISOTOPICS Meeting took place at the Lindner Congress Hotel in Frankfurt am Main (Germany) on 27th-28th April 2017. This 2-day meeting, organised by Sanofi. More information here. |
April 2017 – 2nd ISOTOPICS Training at SANOFI (Frankfurt, Germany)
| The 2nd ISOTOPICS training was organised at SANOFI from Sunday 23rd to Wednesday 26th April 2017. All the 15 ESRs of the ISOTOPICS project attended this 4-day training. More information here. |
February 2017 - ISOTOPICS Newsletter, Issue 1
| The first ISOTOPICS Newsletter is now available. All the ESRs have participated to its publication. You can have access to this issue here. |
February 2017: ESRs on secondment – From CEA to CNRS
Viktor Pfeifer (ESR1-CEA), Donia Bouzouita (ESR11-CNRS) and Alberto Palazzolo (ESR2-CEA) in CNRS INSA Toulouse laboratory | 2 of the CEA ESRs, Viktor Pfeifer (ESR1) and Alberto Palazzolo (ESR2) from the Dr. G. Pieters team, have realized a first secondment in Toulouse (France). They were welcomed in the group of Prof. B. Chaudret (CNRS-INSAT, Laboratory of Nano-objects Physic and Chemistry) where they shared the lab benches with the local ESR, Donia Bouzouita (ESR11). They have learned how to synthesize new metallic nanoparticles in order to develop labeling reactions of organic molecules and biologics. |
February 2017 - ESR recruitment completed
| All the 15 ESRs of the ISOTOPICS project have now been recruited. See their presentations and updated CVs here. |
February 2017 - They talk about the ISOTOPICS project !
| The ISOTOPICS project is presented in the "European Projects' Newsletter" on the CEA website. You can have access to the article here. |
November 2016 – 1st ISOTOPICS Meeting in Paris
| The 1st ISOTOPICS Meeting was held at the Hotel Intercontinental Paris Marceau (Paris, France) on the 24th-25th November 2016. It was organised by the Management team and the CEA. More information here. |
November 2016 – 1st Training Session at CEA (Saclay, France)
| The 1st Training session has been held at CEA Saclay from Monday 21st to Wednesday 23rd November 2016 (just before the 1st Meeting). More information here. |
February 2016 - They talk about the ISOTOPICS project !
| ISOTOPICS project is presented in the newsletter of the IBITECS (Institute of C. Dugave, B. Rousseau and F. Taran – CEA Partner). You can have access to this newsletter (in French) here. |
February 2016 - Kick-Off Meeting in Paris
| The Kick-off Meeting of the ISOTOPICS Project was held on 18th-19th February 2016 at the "Maison de la Recherche" (Paris, France). More information here. |