The training was composed of several lectures, divided in 5 sessions, given by UOXF and Oxford staff. A visit of UOXF laboratories (Chemistry research laboratories) was organised after the 5th Meeting.
All the courses and workshops are summarised hereafter:
-'Clinical trials' course (0.5 day; UOXF):
'Pre-clinical and clinical development of novel radiosensitising drugs' (0.21 day; Dr Geoff Higgins, Department of Oncology, UOXF).
-'The technical side of setting up a Radiopharmacy and what is required before making medication for patients' (0.29 day; Dr Rebekka Hueting, Department of Oncology, UOXF.
-'Cancer imaging' course (0.5 day; UOXF):
-'DNA Imaging repair' (0.25 day, Dr Bart Cornelissen, Department of Oncology, UOXF).
-'Problem Session (0.25 day, Dr Florion Guibbal, Department of Oncology & Department of Chemistry, UOXF).
-'Labeling of Biologics' course (0.5 day; Prof. B. Davis, UOXF).
-'Scientific Project Set-up and Management' Workshop (1 day; Justin Hutchence MPLS, Oxford).
-'Proposal Writing' Workshop (0.5 day; Justin Hutchence MPLS, Oxford).
The ESR valued the two workshops, which would be useful for their career development, and they appreciated the 'practical activities' related. They were pleased by the trainers' performances and enjoyed the 'problem session', which permits to understand the design of a radiotracer.