All the ISOTOPICS ESRs attended this 5-day training in Karolinska Institutet premises (Stockholm, Sweden) to have an overview of the synthesis of radiotracers and their in vivo evaluation via PET imaging during pre-clinical animal experiments. They had also advices on CV writing and project management.
The subject of the 6 sessions, given by Karolinska Institutet and AstraZenaca staff members but also from related companies, were:
- 'Cyclotron targetry' course [J. SIIKANEN (KI), P. LIDSTROM (General Electrics); 0,5 day]
- 'Radiochemistry Automation' course [P. LARSEN (Scansys), P. LIDSTROM (General Electrics); 1 day] with a visit of KI new PET laboratories.
- 'Preclinical PET imaging' course [P. JOHNSTROM (AZ), M. TOTH (KI), T. TRAN (KI); 1 day] with the visit of Karolinska Experimental Research and Imaging Centre (KERIC) and Astrid Fagraeus Laboratory premises
- 'Open your Mind to Non-Isotopic Labeling' course [P. NILSSON (Linköpings University), M. ZUREK (AZ), N. NAJAFINOBAR (AZ), R. GOODWIN (AZ); 1 day]
- 'Career' workshop [K. BECKENIUS (KI), A. RENNERMALM (Search4S); 1 day]
- 'Management principles' workshop [A. KARLSTROM (LILS); 0.5 day]
The ESRs could also enjoyed a dinner with some KI and AZ staff members at the TRATTORIAN restaurant on the 1st day of training. It allowed them to interact in a pleasant environment.