is a European research project which gathers 5 academic partners and 3
pharmaceutical companies in 5 European countries. The project aims at
the development of new methods for the chemical labeling of drug
candidates to streamline drug innovation and to decrease drug attrition
(presently less than 10% of drugable compounds reach the market).
ISOTOPICS will also train 15 PhD students to meet the need of industry
by providing new researchers specialized in labeling chemistry with a
dual academic/industrial culture. On top of the research carried out in
the partner's lab, the training will include workshops with meetings,
taught courses and lecture cycles as well as several inter-laboratory
is an international research project granted by the European Commission
for 4 years with a 4 million Euro budget. It gathers five academic
partners: the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
(CEA, Institute of Biology and Technology at Saclay as the project
coordinator), the Centre of French National Scientific Research (CNRS,
National Institute of Applied Sciences in Toulouse), the Department of
Chemistry at the University of Oxford (UOXF), the Karolinska Institute
PET Centre in Stockholm (KI) and the Cyclotron Research Centre of the
University of Liège (ULG) with three major pharmaceutical companies:
UCB-Pharma (Belgium), AstraZeneca (Sweden) and the Sanofi Group (Sanofi
Aventis Deutschland GmbH in Germany and Sanofi-Recherche in France).
The research consortium ambition is to develop cutting-edge chemical
methods applicable to the isotopic labeling of drug candidates to
decrease drug attrition by tagging the tested compounds with easily
detectable elements through structurally benign modifications. Fifteen
PhD students specialized in isotopic labeling with a dual
academic/industrial culture will be also trained.
discovery and development is a time-consuming (around 15 years),
expensive (at least 1 billion Euro per new drug) and risky process since
only one product on ten entering clinical trials will reach the market
(even less when targeting the central nervous system). This dramatic
attrition of drug candidates is mainly related to poor efficacy and
unexpected adverse effects observed in Phase II clinical trials. This
results in part from insufficiently addressed body distribution studies,
accumulation and/or metabolization assessments which all are strongly
limited by chemistry. As a matter of fact, studying the fate of drugs in vivo
implies that a large number of molecules can be isotopically labeled
with deuterium/tritium (isotopes of hydrogen), carbon-11/carbon-14
(radio-isotopes of carbon) and fluorine-18 (radio-isotope of fluorine,
an element found in many drugs). Use of these isotopes permits the
structurally benign labelling of chemicals and biochemicals (in contrast
with the fluorescent labeling) and the detection of tiny amounts of
product. Unfortunately, the number of isotopic labeling methods
applicable to sensitive compounds (i.e. small molecule drugs,
therapeutic proteins including antibodies and nucleic acids such as
SiRNAs) remains limited.
aims at the development of an innovative isotopic chemistry for the
labeling of large series of drugs including chemicals and biologics with
(radioactive but not only) isotopes of hydrogen, carbon and fluorine
that can be detected and quantified in trace amounts in biological
fluids and through whole-body imaging. A particular attention will be
paid to the development of cutting-edge techniques for the late-stage
labeling of high added-value molecules which is more economical and
generates less chemical and radioactive wastes. This new chemistry is
● To enable the easy and quick identification of new drug candidates that would not be selected from classical in vitro assays;
To reject any drug-candidate which might display insufficient efficacy
or unpredictable adverse effects before the compound is selected for
clinical trials;
● To perform biodistribution studies and to
provide pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics data in order to help with
clinical trials (by determining active doses, formulation etc.);
To develop concomitantly radiotracers which could be used for routine
diagnostic (e.g. Positron Emission Tomography Imaging) in particular for
personalized medicine applications.
All these methods will be
designed to label a large number of high value-added (and thus
sensitive) molecules such as small molecule drugs and large biologics.
ISOTOPICS research project will be implemented through extensive
research in partners' labs to train 15 Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs)
but also via inter-sector secondments (at least 2 secondments in both
academic and industrial labs per ESR). The precise objectives will be
set-up in real-time to address pressing industrial questions. This will
lead the partners to carry out challenging researches in broader fields
of chemistry with the constant opportunity of responding to major
industrial issues. Research will be valorized by publication and
patenting and exploited for the labeling of drugs under development.
Theoretical training will include specialized taught courses, lectures
by prominent scientists, "Open-your-Mind" sessions and soft-skills
(inclusive of entrepreneurship, project management, quality and ethics,
communication and presentation etc.).
Expected Impact
ISOTOPICS is anticipated to improve Drug Discovery and Development by decreasing drug attrition, streamlining the precocious in vivo
evaluation of drug candidates to explore new therapeutic solutions, and
training the next generation of (radio)labeling-specialized chemists
with a strong background in medicinal chemistry. A reduction of drug
development costs is expected to boost drug innovation, to strengthen
the European position on the world drug market and to allow
pharmaceutical companies to increase the number of therapeutic areas
they are operating in. New radiotracers for real-time diagnostic medical
imaging could be concomitantly developed from
carbon-11/fluorine-18-labeled compounds which can be used for routine
medical imaging for diagnostic and personalized medicine. The training
of new scientists with a dual academic/industrial culture and a real
entrepreneurial mindset might also help in the setting-up and growth of
startups and SMEs specialized in isotopic labeling and preclinical
studies to meet the increasing needs of the pharmaceutical industry.
Open-access to most of data (in the limits of industrial property
rights) will help in the dissemination of knowledge at the international
level in order to participate in the global improvement of health and wellbeing.
ISOTOPICS is expected to have indisputable positive scientific,
industrial and societal impacts, the project employs a set of techniques
that might worry the public and raise ethical questions such as the
toxicity and radiotoxicity of products for the people and the
environment, the use of human cells, possible animal experiments,
clinical trials and drug safety issues. All these aspects are checked by
the European Commission, the national safety agencies, an Ethics
Committee internal to the project as well as an external Advisory Board.
ISOTOPICS aims at the development of more efficient radiolabeling
techniques which result in safer handling of radioactive products and
decreased waste production. The choice of isotopes is dictated by
several technical specifications (using easy detectable and structurally
benign substitutes of hydrogen, carbon and fluorine, possible use for in vivo
whole body imaging) but also by environmental concerns by using
radioisotopes with a short half-life. All the experiments will be
carried out in dedicated facilities in compliance with local radiation
safety regulations and strictly controlled by onsite radiation safety
services and external safety agencies.
● Thanks to their decay
mode, use of carbon-11 and fluorine-18 has been validated by health
agencies for the design and development of tracers routinely used in
● Although ISOTOPICS will systematize in vivo
preclinical experiments at an early-stage of drug discovery and
development, it is expected to contribute in the reduction of animal
testing (more molecules tested at the very beginning and finally less
animals sacrificed by using in vivo quantitative whole-body
imaging). Animal testing will comply with the '3R Principles'
(Reduction, Refinement, Replacement) and will be only done when
essential with the permanent concern of insuring animal welfare. All
experiments will be controlled by an Ethics Committee and will be
reported to the European Commission.
● ISOTOPICS does not include
clinical trials though it is expected to promote Phase 0 assays
(injection of tiny amounts of radioactive drugs to healthy and
well-informed volunteers) in order to evaluate qualitatively and
quantitatively the drug biodistribution in humans.
● One of the
ISOTOPICS objectives is to decrease belated drug attrition however the
difficult problem of possible biopersistence and resulting delayed
adverse effects can be also tackled in order to strengthen drug safety.
ISOTOPICS is also concerned about insuring the students with adequate
working conditions (i.e. adapted and secured facilities) and will pay a
particular attention to all ethical aspects regarding the recruitment
procedures (especially in terms of non-discrimination and gender